When you’re short on time, hungry (starving, even!) and just want a quick and tasty meal, it’s way too easy to turn to the same ‘ol dishes: a bit of toast at breakfast, a standard sanga, meat and three veg. Apart from being a bit boring – it doesn’t actually even save you time!
When the hungry hoards are screaming or your own belly is rumbling, that quick win in the recipe arsenal is key. The dish you don’t have to think about, that you can whip up in a 15-minute break between Zoom meetings.
When the hungry hoards are screaming or your own belly is rumbling, that quick win in the recipe arsenal is key. The dish you don’t have to think about, that you can whip up in a 15-minute break between Zoom meetings.
RELATED: Quick & tasty mushroom recipes
RELATED: Mushrooms 101

There’s only one ingredient that can deliver amazing taste and high nutrition in less than that and it’s almost certainly missing from your repertoire. We set mushrooms the challenge: can they go from fridge to table in less than 15 minutes?
Fastest dish by an Aussie mile
Whether you’re a whiz in the kitchen or still mastering the craft of cooking, you’ll find mushrooms so easy to work with. Mushrooms have the power to save you precious minutes – sometimes even hours. But can these meals be created in fewer than 15 minutes?
RELATED: Why mushrooms are so good for you
RELATED: How mushrooms are bringing the boom
“Mushrooms can be really quick to cook with. If you’re short on time — and a lot of us are — that convenience is key. You don’t have to sacrifice flavour,” says Emile Avramides, chef and owner at Clove Lane, a modern bistro in Sydney’s east.
When you compare the cooking times of vegetables more traditionally considered ‘convenient’, the difference becomes clear.
- To saute potatoes, you’re looking at 20 minutes minimum, including pre-boiling. Mushrooms take half that.
- To roast root vegetables like carrots will take at least 30 minutes; mushrooms just 15.
- Steaming greens like broccoli takes eight minutes, while a large mushroom like a Portobello takes about five. Smaller varietals, only three!
- Adding vegetables to salads almost always involves at least one cooking method per ingredient, while mushrooms can be enjoyed raw.

For all of these cooking techniques, the mushrooms need no preparation, meaning they are the only one that consistently passes the 15-minute dinner challenge!
Mix it up – don’t rely on boring old staples. Change up the repertoire and reach for the mushies – they are simple to cook, taste great and can even be eaten raw
The hidden awesomeness of mushrooms
There’s little point in passing the 15-minute dinner challenge if there isn’t a health benefit, too. Our nutritional testing by National Measurement Institute Independent Nutritional review, confirms that as part of a balanced diet, mushrooms make a fantastic health choice.
Here are the top reasons why mushrooms are just so good for you:
- Mushrooms are low in kilojoules, but high in nutrients.
- Packed with vitamin B2, B3 and B5, mushrooms can help maintain energy and wellbeing.
- Mushrooms are a good source of selenium — an important antioxidant.
- They are naturally low in sodium – perfect for those managing their blood pressure.
- Mushrooms are naturally packed with flavour!
Mushrooms are also very versatile and work in so many different dishes across different times of the day, as well as in different cuisines and cross cultures – they’re a quick and healthy eating win, no matter where in the world you go!
Australia, it’s time to send in the mushrooms
Feeling inspired? Now it’s your turn! Try your hand at one of these delicious recipes, which we’ve tested and created in 15 minutes or less:
- Mushroom, smashed avo and feta breakfast bruschetta recipe here
- Portobello hollandaise breakfast muffin recipe here
- Fast fierce mushroom pizza recipe here
- Mushroom carpaccio recipe here
We want to see your finished product. Share your quick Mush-Boom dish with us on social media. Find us on Instagram @mushboom.official or Facebook on @mushboom.official.